If you’re an educational professional who are looking to progress into management and consultancy, or an educational planning or development role, this is the best degree for you.
I have been working in the field of EU policies and programmes since 2006, providing technical assistance to local/regional/national authorities such as the Regional Ministry for Economic Development of Lazio Region, the National Ministry for Education, the National Ministry for Environment, the Metropolitan City of Rome. I gained experience transnational projects design, management, monitoring and evaluation.
I am an expert evaluator of the Erasmus+ programme and, since 2016, I am a lecturer on EU policies and funding opportunities for the cultural and creative sectors at the public University of Roma Tre.
Since January 2008
Metropolitan City of Capital Rome
I have been working as a EU strategy and policy advisor at the European and International Affairs Office of the Metropolitan City of Rome. I’m the coordinator of the Unit dedicated to transnational projects development, management and monitoring. I’m also responsible for designing and organizing training and capacity building activities targeting staff of local authorities.
February-May 2019
National Ministry for Environment
I have been providing support to the National Ministry for Environment for organizing capacity building initiatives within the National Programme for Governance and Institutional Capacity.
July 2018 – September 2019
Regional Ministry of Economic Development, Lazio Region
I was an expert for planning and monitoring EU investment and structural funds promoting SMEs development and competitiveness.
Since 2016
University of Roma Tre
I’m a lecturer on EU policies and funding opportunities for the cultural and creative sectors at the Master Degree on “Management, Promotion and Technological Innovation in the Cultural Heritage Management”.
Since April 2016
National Ministry for Education
I’m an expert evaluator of EU-funded projects and tutors of evaluators (since 2020) for the National Ministry for Education, University and Scientific Research / Indire Agency.
December 2005 – December 2007
Regional Ministry for Environment, Lazio Region
As an expert of EU funding opportunities I was responsible for developing project proposals and management of EU-funded projects under different EU programmes on environmental, social and cultural issues.